Gustavia, St. Barts (居斯塔维亚,圣巴特)

Jan 13, 2024: Yesterday, we reached the farthest point of our Caribbean journey with a visit to St. Lucia (圣卢西亚岛). Last night, our ship started its return journey, and this morning we arrived at another French island, St. Barts. If the French island Les Saintes (勒桑特斯) we visited two days ago was beautiful, then St. Barts today is even more exquisite, a haven for celebrities and the ultra-wealthy. The first thing that caught our eyes were the enormous private yachts anchored offshore, sparking our curiosity about their illustrious owners.

Since the island lacks a large port for cruise ships, our ship anchored at sea, and we took the tender boat to shore. It began to rain as soon as we landed, fortunately we were prepared. Undeterred, we headed straight to our first destination: the island’s unique small airport. The runway is remarkably short, with the sea at one end and a canyon at the other, closely flanked by a road. Taking off and landing here is a challenge task, and it’s known as one of the world's most dangerous airports. Pilots need specialized training and special permits to land.

After a nearly thirty-minute walk in the rain, we reached the quiet airport, subdued by the bad weather. We found a restaurant at the end of the runway on the beach, where we rested and had lunch, enjoying the sea view while waiting for planes. It was then that we truly grasped the meaning of the world’s most expensive tourist destination: a bottle of water and a lobster sandwich cost over fifty dollars, and the average daily room rate is reportedly $1770. As the sky cleared, the airport buzzed to life with planes taking off. The most exhilarating part was standing by the road next to the airport, watching planes land seemingly just overhead, close enough to touch.

After visiting the airport, we walked back to the pier area, passing through the shopping street to another attraction, Shell Beach. The beach was covered with shells, and after getting our feet wet, we returned to the pier area to stroll along the shopping street. Though it was just a short street, it was lined with super luxury brand stores. We could only window-shop before taking the small boat back to the cruise ship.

Last night, we dined at another specialty restaurant on the ship, the Italian restaurant. Between the two specialty restaurants, we prefer Umi Uma by Nobu. Tonight, we’re heading to Umi Uma again for the third time on this trip. We ordered a variety of sashimi and sushi, indulging in Nobu's Japanese cuisine one last time. The sunset was beautiful and perfect. The evening show featured an Italian musical singer with a captivating voice, delivering each song beautifully. We look forward to hearing him perform again in the coming days.

一月十三号:昨天的St. Lucia(圣卢西亚岛)算是我们这次行程走的最远的一个加勒比海岛了,晚上船离开那里就开始往回开,今天早上来到另一个法属小岛St. Barts。如果说前二天到过的法属小岛Les Saintes(勒桑特斯)很漂亮的话,那今天的St. Barts岛就更上一个台阶了,是名人,超级富豪们的乐园。首先看到的就是一艘艘超级大的私人游艇停泊在海里,让人浮想联翩,揣摩着游艇的主人都是谁。 小岛没有邮轮可停的大码头,所以我们的船抛锚在海里,然后坐小船上岸。 天公不作美,刚来到岛上就开始下雨,还好我们有备而来。冒着雨直奔我们的第一个景点,岛上一个很特别的小飞机场。 机场跑道非常短,一头是海,一头是峡谷,且离边上的公路很近。飞机起飞,降落都是一个挑战。据说这是世界上最危险机场之一,飞行员都必须接受专门的训练,持有特别许可证才能降落。在雨中走了近三十分钟来到机场,天气不好,机场比较安静。我们就在跑道尽头的海滩上找了家餐厅休息也顺便吃个午餐,边看海景边等着看飞机。 那时才知道什么叫世界上最贵的旅游胜地,一瓶水和一份龙虾三明治花了五十几美金,据说那里客房平均日价是$1770。雨过天晴,机场也开始忙起来,一架架飞机开始起飞,最刺激的还是站在机场旁的公路边看飞机降落,飞机就在头边上飞过,感觉手都能碰到。

看完机场,走回码头区,穿过商品街来到另一个景点贝壳海滩。这里的海滩上全是贝壳,在那里湿湿脚后又回到码头区,在商品街上走走。虽说只是短短的一条街,超级奢侈品牌店一家挨着一家。我们只能饱饱眼福, 然后乖乖坐小船回邮轮。

昨天晚餐是在船上的另一家特色餐厅 - 意大利餐厅用餐。对我们俩来说二家特色餐厅我们更喜欢Nobu。今晚又去Nobu日本料理,这已经是这次行程中的第三顿了。叫了一大堆生魚片和寿司,再过上一次Nobu日本料理瘾。



Jost Van Dyke (乔斯特·范·戴克岛)


Castries, St Lucia(圣卢西亚国)