
Our Journey starts

Jan. 22, 2020 - Apr. 20, 2020

This journey started 18 months ago after we read an article about the Crystal Cruise 2020 world cruise. We were intrigued by an itinerary that seemed perfect for us and the highly regarded six star service. However, cruising was not our thing. Up until then, we had only done one cruise to Alaska. Plus, both of us were still working at the time. Could we do this? After a couple weeks of studying, the answer was clear. The journey to see the world starts with an even bigger adventure to start our new chapter of life: retirement. We would like to share the experience and excitement with you in this blog. Click the following images to explore more detail about our journey.

我们89天的2020年环球之旅是在一月二十二日从洛杉矶上船, 停靠四十几个港口和二十几个国家,预订在四月二十一日罗马下船。我们在此博客中与您分享环球之旅的点滴。单击以下图片可了解有关我们旅程的更多详细信息。