Frankfurt 法兰克福

July 15, 2022

The morning in Bacharach was beautiful and tranquil. We did a morning walk before the breakfast. Our son flew back to New York from Frankfurt today. Before we sent him off, we spent time together visiting Frankfurt. Because of the popularity of the €9 travel card, the regional trains were often full, especially on weekends. Today's train to Frankfurt was no exception. The train was so crowded that we couldn't even turn around. But fortunately, a few people got off the train more than half an hour later, and we found seats to sit down.

Once in Frankfurt, we walked around the old town and visited the Central Market (Kleinmarkthalle). The market was much smaller than we expected, and we did not find anything interesting for lunch. Instead, we found a restaurant near the market and had one last schnitzel and roasted pork knuckle. With no disappointment, the food was delicious. After lunch, we did a little sightseeing and visited Frankfurt Cathedral and the Eiserner Steg, a footbridge spanning the Main river. We didn't spend too much time in Frankfurt since our son had a flight to catch. The three of us went to the airport together and said goodbye at the airport.

From there, we took the regional train to Boppard, a historic town on the Rhine and not far from Bacharach, where we stayed. Visiting the archeological site of Römer-Kastell was a treat, not expected. This 4th-century fortress is one of the best-preserved Roman fortresses on the continent. Though much of it is in ruins, the romance of its 28 ancient towers and thick, high walls is palpable. We visited the Romanesque St. Severus Church and the gothic-style Carmelite Church, both beautiful and admirable.

We strolled down on the beautiful bank along the river, and we saw an Indian restaurant by the river. We hadn't had Indian food on this trip, so we just sat down at a table by the river. The food was excellent, and the river view was even better. We were glad that we made this side trip to visit the medieval town of Boppard.

We took the train back to Bacharach. We went to the riverside again, sat by the river, and ate the wild blackberries we picked yesterday as the sun was setting. The Germany tour was almost over, and tomorrow we would return to Switzerland to prepare to return to the United States. The time was flying so fast that the two-month European travel was coming to an end.

欧洲游第五十六天:儿子今天从法兰克福回纽约,我们随他一起去法兰克福转一圈,也顺便送送他。因为9€的交通卡,感觉德国人出门全坐火车了,特别是在周末,那些旅游热点区域线上的火车人满为患。今天去法兰克福的火车就是塞得满满的,都转不了身,幸好半个多小时后有人下车才找到了座位。到法兰克福后就在老城区里走马观花看了中央市场, 教堂还有步行桥。中午就找了一家餐厅再一次吃炸猪排和烤猪肘,没失望,还可以。饭后就随儿子一起去机场,然后我们从那里坐区域火车到Boppard, 也是一个在莱茵河边上的小镇,离我们住的小镇不远。时间不多也只能到此一游,结果看到河边上有家印度饭店,索性就坐下把晚餐给解决了。好像这还是来欧洲近二个月第一次吃印度菜,还算满意。傍晚坐在河边的椅子上,看着太阳落山,喝上一瓶啤酒,品尝着昨天摘下野生黑莓,德国游就此结束,明天回瑞士准备回美。日子过得真快,近二个月的欧洲游马上就要结束了。


Basel, Switzerland 巴塞尔


Vineyard and Blackberry 葡萄园和野生黑莓