Angkor Wat 小吴哥
October 24, 2024
The tour price didn’t include the $62 three-day entrance fee to Angkor Archaeological Park. Our second day exploring Angkor Wat began early, with wake-up at 4 AM. By 5 AM, we arrived at Angkor Wat with other 9 tourists for the sunrise. Along with many others, we gathered at the edge of the pond in front of the temple, standing on waterlogged ground due to the previous night’s rain. While we had high expectations, the sunrise was less striking than anticipated, as the sun rose slightly off-center from the temple.
Sunrise At Angkor Wat 吴哥窟的日出
As the world’s largest religious monument, Angkor Wat stands as a testament to the grandeur of the Khmer Empire. Originally dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and later converted into a Buddhist site, its intricate carvings depicting ancient Hindu epics were both awe-inspiring and overwhelming in their scale and detail. Despite the limited time, we marveled at the craftsmanship, wishing we could linger longer to absorb its full beauty.
Angkor Wat 吴哥窟
Our next stop was Ta Prohm, a temple left largely unrestored to retain its “jungle temple” atmosphere. Massive spung trees and their intertwined roots enveloped the ancient stone structures, creating a surreal and hauntingly beautiful scene. The temple’s fame as a filming location for Tomb Raider added to its mystique, though we hadn’t seen the movie.
Ta Prohm 塔普伦寺
The final destination of our tour was Angkor Thom, the last great capital of the Khmer Empire. Entering through its monumental gates, flanked by rows of serene faces carved into stone, we were immediately struck by the city’s grandeur. Climbing a few steps to a viewpoint, we admired a detailed Buddha face etched into the side of the structure. The intricate carvings of everyday Khmer life were fascinating, though time constraints once again left us yearning to explore more.
Angkor Thom 吴哥城
The tour deepened our appreciation for Cambodia’s rich history and the architectural and spiritual achievements of the Khmer Empire.
In the afternoon, we returned to the hotel for a short rest before venturing out again. That evening, a tuk-tuk driver took us to a dinner show featuring a buffet of both Cambodian and Western dishes. The highlight was the graceful performances of traditional Cambodian dance, a perfect way to end the day.
Angkor Wat exceeded our expectations, and Siem Reap proved to be a remarkably tourist-friendly city where English and US dollars are widely used. The experience was unforgettable, leaving us in awe of Cambodia’s cultural heritage.
这次二日游的费用只是导游和交通运输,并不包括 吴哥考古公园 (Angkor Archaeological Park) 为期三天的门票,价格为每人62美元。我们提前在网上买好票,每到一个寺庙手机扫一下就行。我们吴哥窟之旅的第二天从凌晨4点的早起开始。还是昨天的司机和导游,除了昨天我们五位游客,今天又多了另外六位。早上5点,我们到达著名的吴哥窟 (Angkor Wat),准备观赏日出。天还没亮,和许多其他游客一样,我们聚集在寺庙前的池塘边。由于昨晚的降雨,地面湿滑,我们脚踩在积水中,寻找最佳位置。尽管我们满怀期待,但日出的景象却没有想象中壮观。一是天气的原因,二是太阳升起的位置略微偏离了寺庙的正中心。
作为世界上最大的宗教建筑,吴哥窟是高棉帝国辉煌成就的象征。它最初供奉印度教主神毗湿奴 (Vishnu),后来被改为佛教寺庙。寺庙上雕刻的古印度史诗画面不仅令人叹为观止,而且因其规模和细节之精美让人感到震撼。尽管时间有限,我们仍然被这些工艺品深深吸引,真希望能停留更久,细细品味其精妙之处。
接下来,我们来到 塔普伦寺 (Ta Prohm Temple)。这座寺庙几乎保持原貌,没有经过太多修复,以展现其独特的“丛林寺庙”氛围。巨大的榕树和其盘根错节的树根与古老的石头建筑交织在一起,形成一种超现实且令人叹为观止的奇景。这座寺庙因电影《古墓丽影 (Tomb Raider)》的取景地而闻名,我们还未看过这部电影。
离开塔普伦寺前往胜利门(Victory Gate)。以大象的躯体为支撑,门顶上是特有的高棉四面佛。导游让我们从门旁边的小坡爬上去,攀爬几级台阶到达一个观景点,我们得以更清晰地欣赏雕刻在建筑侧面的佛面,也能看到门后面的第四个佛面。此门通往我们此次行程最后一站的吴哥城 (Angkor Thom),这是高棉帝国的最后一座首都。古都城内寺庙无数,以巴戎寺(Bayon Temple)为中心,其壮丽景象立即让我们感到震撼。穿行在寺庙迷宫般的回廊中,看着回廊璧上雕刻着大量的精美浮雕,听着导游讲解那些雕刻所展现的神话故事和高棉日常生活场景让我们着迷。只可惜时间有限,我们二天的吴哥窟之旅不得不在遗憾中结束。
吴哥窟完全没有让我们失望,而 暹粒 (Siem Reap) 作为一座非常适合游客的城市,英语和美元在这里被广泛使用。此次经历令人难忘,让我们对柬埔寨的文化遗产充满敬畏之情。