Easter Island - Nov 21-24 2018
On November 21, about 4.5 hours flight from Santiago, Chile, we landed on Easter Island, locals called Rapa Nui, one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet. The entire island is a UNESCO world heritage site, famous for hundreds of moai created by the early Rapa Nui people from 1100–1680 AD. Typical landscape on Easter Island is small volcano hills covered in short grasses, a result of deforestation many many years ago. The sunset at Ahu Tahai and the sunrise at Ahu Tongariki were amazing. A 17 km long scenic hiking along the coast from Anakena Beach to Ahu Tahai for 8.5 hours was our most remote hiking, accompanied by dead horses and animal bones along the way. Sometime, we had to climb over stonewalls and wired fences to continue the journey. The hiking was hard but worthy. We also enjoyed Easter Island seafood dishes, small portion but delicious. We stayed there from Nov. 21 to Nov. 24.
11月21日,我们从智利圣地亚哥乘坐拉美航空,大约四个半小时后,降落在著名的复活节岛。这是地球上最与世隔绝的岛屿之一。该岛以众多巨大石雕人像而闻名,是联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产址。复活节岛由三座被草丛覆盖的小火山丘组成。复活节岛上Ahu Tahai的日落和Ahu Tongariki的日出令人惊叹。从Anakena海滩出发,我们沿着海岸穿过荒无人烟的草原和山丘,翻石墙,越铁丝网,徒步长达17公里8.5小时,才回到Ahu Tahai。我们也很喜欢复活节岛上的海鲜菜肴,量少且美味。我们在11月24日回到了圣地亚哥。